Our February members meeting will be this Saturday, February 27, at 11:30 am, and we hope to see you there! Attendees will have the opportunity to weigh in on a variety of items that will set our organization up for success in the coming year.
The ad hoc committee will present their proposal for solutions to operational challenges identified by the membership last year. You'll have the opportunity to offer feedback and vote on the proposal so implementation can begin.
Also, Ald. Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez will offer a report on this week's signing of the Welcoming City Ordinance and other legislative updates. We'll review the process for steering committee elections, which are coming up next month. Members will vote on our new logo. And updates will be given on the Treatment Not Trauma campaign.
The meeting will conclude with breakout sessions for opportunities to get involved with Defund/Treatment Not Trauma, Membership/Political Education, and Finance.
RSVP here for the call-in details. We look forward to seeing you Saturday!