Mike Madigan is the longest-serving house speaker in history, having held the speakership for 36 of the past 38 years. But that tenure, and the power he holds, has made him a severely controversial figure.
Madigan, who also serves as chair of the Democratic Party of Illinois, is currently the subject of an ongoing corruption investigation that has already produced a series of indictments. Public distrust stemming from this long-standing, notorious corruption was a significant contributor to the recent failure of the Fair Tax amendment.
On January 13th, the Illinois General Assembly will convene and choose a House Speaker. It is entirely possible, if unconscionable, that Mike Madigan will be selected once more. 33rd Ward Working Families presents this free public webinar on the eve of that vote to provide insight into Madigan's history and what it means for the future of our state.
Free and open to the public; RSVP for Zoom link.